The CAEP Plus TD Grant provides eligible individuals, who experience thermoregulatory dysfunction access to essential air conditioning to one area/room of their primary residence, to assist with controlling the temperature in their home.
Thermoregulatory dysfunction is defined as significant loss of a person’s capacity to control body temperature and is associated with medical conditions that result in the person’s health and bodily function being seriously affected when exposed to extremes of environmental temperatures.
For further information or to discuss the CAEP Plus TD Grant, please contact a member of the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA on (08) 6202 4700

Qualifying Conditions
An individual must meet at least two of these three qualifying conditions and be certified by a doctor or specialist who has been treating them for at least three months. A grant applicant who only meets one of the qualifying conditions is not eligible for the grant.
A medical condition with an evidence-based association of deterioration in temperature extremes. For example, severe cases of spinal cord injury, stroke, brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders, multiple sclerosis and familial dysautonomia.
Loss of skin integrity or loss of sweating capacity. For example, significant burns to greater than 20 per cent of body surface area, severe inflammatory skin conditions and some rare forms of disordered sweating.
Objective reduction of autonomic regulation and physiological functioning at extremes of environmental temperatures (excessive sweating, heart rate increases or changes in blood pressure) resulting in dehydration, dizziness or fainting.
Eligibility for the CAEP Plus TD Grant
To be eligible for the CAEP Plus TD Grant, an individual must meet the following CAEP eligibility criteria:
- Have a health, disability or age-related functional impairment of long term or permanent nature.
- Not currently be accessing NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) or MAC (My Aged Care).
- Not currently be a hospital inpatient, outpatient or day patient or have been within the last 3 months. (CAEP Plus will consider applications where hospitalisation is unrelated to the grant request).
- Live at home in the community, or in a state-funded residential facility.
- Have not received a compensation payment.
- Hold a current Australian:
- Pension Concession Card
- Health Care Card or
- Can demonstrate financial hardship using Centrelink criteria and are made eligible having been reviewed by Department of Health’s’ appointed senior officer.
- COSA (Continuity of Support Arrangement) eligible people
- DSOA (Disability Support for Older Australians) eligible people.
Individuals new to CAEP must have their CAEP Plus Grant Application endorsed by a CAEP Service Provider prior to submitting to the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA.
For individuals already known to and eligible for CAEP, their CAEP Plus Grant Application can be submitted directly to iLA and do not need to be submitted via a CAEP Service Provider. Where unsure of eligibility status please check with your local area CAEP Coordinator or CAEP Service Provider.
Individuals that do not meet the criteria above and are not CAEP eligible may under special and extenuating circumstances have an application considered on an ‘Out of Policy’ basis. These cases should be discussed with the relevant CAEP Service Provider and CAEP Plus Grants Team prior to grant application preparation and submission.
More information about CAEP eligibility can be found on the Government of Western Australia website. Use the following link: www.wa.gov.au/service/health-care/community-health-services/community-aids-and-equipment-program-caep or contact your local CAEP Service Provider.
Confirmation of Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Condition
To be eligible for the CAEP Plus TD Grant, an individual must provide one of the following supporting documents:
A medical report confirming their condition with rationale, certified by the treating doctor or specialist of at least three months. The medical report must address the following information by the treating doctor:
1. Name of the condition causing thermoregulatory dysfunction.
2. Date of onset.
3. Is the condition permanent? Yes/No
4. How do these conditions affect thermoregulation?
Proof of eligibility for Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Energy Subsidy Scheme managed by the Department of Finance - RevenueWA. For further information about the subsidy use this link: Apply for the Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Energy Subsidy.
For further information or to discuss the CAEP Plus AT Grant, please contact a member of the CAEP Plus Grants Team at iLA on (08) 6202 4700.
What Air Conditioning is Funded?
The CAEP Plus TD Grant will fund basic and essential air conditioning and installation to the value of $2500 for one area/room of the individual’s primary residence, to assist with controlling the temperature in the home.
Approval for Air Conditioning Installation
To be eligible for the CAEP Plus TD Grant, approval for the installation of an air conditioner must be provided by the property owner.
Where the property is not owned by the Grant Applicant, a copy of the signed approval for air conditioning installation in Public Housing, Private Rentals or Strata Managed Properties (Part B) must accompany the completed CAEP Plus TD Grant Application form.
Public Housing Request for Air Conditioning
Please visit www.wa.gov.au/organisation/department-of-communities/public-housing and navigate to the Structural Improvements and Additions section where you can download a copy of the ‘Property Improvements and Additions Request Form’.
Or download the Form by using the following link: www.wa.gov.au/media/39622/download?inline
Private Rental or Strata Approvals
Download a copy of the CAEP Plus TD Grant Form
The Grant Applicant and their allied health professional should complete all relevant sections including the relevant section of Part B of this form then provided to their landlord, property manager or strata manager for completion, signing and return.
Owner Occupied approvals
Download a copy of the CAEP Plus TD Grant Form
The Grant Applicant and their allied health professional should complete all relevant sections including Part A of this form for completion, signing and return.
CAEP Plus TD Grant Conditions
CAEP Plus TD Grant Applications will not be processed in the absence of written confirmation from the property owner granting approval for installation of the proposed air conditioner.
A financial contribution may be required for costs above approved grant limits.
Grant applicants will be responsible for costs associated with non-essential air conditioning components (e.g. cost associated with alternate installation locations).
Retrospective funding will not be considered. The grant must be approved before the air conditioner is purchased.
Once the air conditioner is installed, the grant recipient will be responsible for any future costs associated with insurance, repairs, and maintenance of the unit, and deinstallation of the unit at the end of tenancy where this has been agreed with the property owner.
How to Apply?
Complete all parts of the CAEP Plus TD Grant Application Form.
The CAEP Plus TD Application Form consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Grant Applicant’s Details
Part 2: Grant Applicant Consent and Declaration
Part 3: CAEP Eligibility
Part 4: Allied Health Professional Details
Part 5: Clinical Report
Part 6: Confirmation of Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Conditions
Part 7: Details of Air Conditioner and Installation Request.
Signed Approval by Property Owner if the Grant Applicant owns and resides in the property for Installation of the Air Conditioner (Form A)
Signed Approval by Property Owner if the Grant Applicant is a Tenant of the property for Installation of the Air Conditioner (Form B)
Part 8: Air Conditioner and Installation Quote Details
Part 9: Grant Funding Request Details
To ensure the timely assessment of the Grant Application, please ensure:
ALL relevant parts of the application form are completed in full.
The application is legible and has been signed as required.
Confirmation of Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Conditions is provided.
Where applicable, a copy of the property owner/property manager’s signed approval for the installation of air conditioning is provided.
The application includes copies of TWO itemised quotes for air conditioning and installation.
A diagram or plan of the house / room where the air conditioner and external condenser unit will be installed is provided.
Where relevant any additional contribution funds are available for the air conditioner and installation requested.
Applications can be submitted via email or post.
Please use ‘CAEP Plus TD Grant’ in the subject line of the email.
Postal address
CAEP Plus Grants
Freda Jacob House, 7 Tully Road,
What Happens Next?
Grant Application assessment will generally occur within four weeks providing all required information is included at the time of application submission. A member of our team will contact you during this time to discuss your application.
More time may be required during the assessment process if additional information or further assessment, and/or engagement with relevant health service providers is required.
In special circumstances, urgent grant application assessment may be considered.
Applications which are not supported by the required information cannot be assessed and will be cancelled where requests for relevant information are not met within an 8-week timeframe.
Once the grant application has been assessed, the grant applicant will be advised of the outcome in writing.
Should you wish to discuss the grant application, please contact us via:
Phone: (08) 6202 4700
Email: caepplus@ilaustralia.org.au
Website: www.ilaustralia.org.au