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LiveUp is a national platform designed to help you reimagine, reset and reconnect with living your life to its fullest.

You'll find personalised suggestions for your healthy ageing journey, including tailored activities, assistive products, social connections and more, all in your local area or online. 

Take charge and own your independence! While ageing is inevitable, science says only 25% of our ageing journey is determined by genetics. The other 75% is down to the choices we make every day. Empower yourself to make choices that mean you can age your way and stay independent for longer.

Visit liveup.org.au and find out how to age your way today.

3 colourful triangles above the word LiveUp
older woman smiles as she sews

Welcome to the upside of ageing

LiveUp is a free and confidential service that provides expert advice,
personalised support, and community connections to help you age your way.